Clothing (this is suggested)
Heavy jacket-water resistant
Light jacket- water resistant
Rain/snow gear
Insulated vest
Good, well-fitting hunting boots waterproof, broke-in
Pants (2-3 pair)
Hat and/or cap
Gloves-lined and unlined (1 pair each)
Wool and cotton socks
Long Johns (2 pair)
Wool or flannel shirt
Shirts (2-3)
Fleece stocking cap
***NOTE FOR ALL DROP CAMP HUNTERS: Each hunter is limited to 150 lbs. per person for food and gear. Hunters are notorious about over packing on food! One cooler is allowed per drop camp. No Yeti coolers allowed. A 48 to 50 quart (or smaller) cooler will fit in the pack panniers. If you have soft-sided coolers, they pack the best. Other food is best packed in small cardboard boxes weighing around 15 to 30 lbs. each-it is helpful if your boxes are pre-weighed and marked with their weights.
Hunting license and Hunter Safety Card
Good quality sleeping bag rated for cold temperatures
Shaving gear (optional)
Canteen or water bottle (we highly recommend water bottles with a built-in filtration system)
Any needed medications
Small back-pack or fanny pack
Weapon of choice
Hunting knife
Toilet paper
Water-proof matches and lighter
Small towel and wash cloth/baby wipes
Flashlight (with new batteries)
Compass, GPS, Range Finder
500 square inches of blaze orange-vest and hat (orange camouflage is not accepted)
Food (25 lbs. per person is suggested)
Roll of orange tape (to mark kill site)
High energy snacks
Water purifier/filter or purification tablets
Meat saw
Sharpening stone
Gun cleaning kit (one per party)
Nylon cord, parachute cord, or similar for hanging quarters in trees
Game bags-good heavy duty bags are recommended
Cell phone
NOTE:There is no service in areas 25 & 26, therefore a SAT Phone is required! Cell service is “spotty” on the mountain in area 35; these hunters are asked to bring a cell phone. Many cell phones work from most of our drop camp sites; however, not all cell phone carriers get service. Each Drop Camp is asked to check their cell phones and let the Outfitter know whether or not you get a signal.